Tuesday 15 August 2017

How To Launch an Internal Content Schedule

How To Launch an Internal Content Schedule

One of the most challenging things you can do for a company internally is allocating blog posts to be written and created regularly. We rolled out a new schedule that involved everyone in the team writing an article within the year. The look on peoples faces showed us that this made people uncomfortable and caused some anxiety among the team.

We rolled this out to provide more sense of ownership of the company website blog, this was not the desired effect that we had planned. Now looking back it would have been quite a shock to know that now you are responsible for making blog content that everyone on the internet can read.

So what did we do about it? we changed the mandatory request to be voluntary and offered to assist those that wanted to contribute but didn't feel confident. This is still a work in progress but the effect has been much better received. Providing a guide for the people that didn't have the confidence to create, edit and publish an article online proved to be a big positive for people in the team.

This raised the question why we thought it would be such a good idea in the first place. Not everyone is a natural, those that write blog posts and feature articles regularly have no problems writing scheduled content, but those that have never published an article before this would be daunting. Not everyone in the agency works on websites and not everyone has seen the backend of a website before.

While that may sound strange it really isn't we have a large team and the roles vary from admin reception to outbound call center to sales team. These positions have no requirement to be messing about in the backend of websites. We have several writers in the team that have all offered to assist anyone that wants to have some help creating and publishing their articles.

Content Marketing Strategy

We are in the midst of launching our agency website rebrand and to get the feel that we have in the agency office. The feeling now post launch are of mixed feelings some people love the website some people think it still needs work. I live on the agency website so for me it's a continual maintenance routine that gets better every time you finish for the day.

Currently, we have 8 articles in draft mode waiting for publishing dates to arrive, this is a great win for the website as people that are not the writers or content team are actively contributing and its great to see.

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